1:45 PMWednesday, October 29, 2008
Hello peoples ):
this is a special post, you can see the post if you find a way to..
From today onwards,
JUNHAO is no longer my friend& his permission to my blog will be removed.
i know its a load off his chest and im happy for him.
Cause hes' no longer my friend.
i hate him to the core, im serious.
i hate him so fxcking much..
he didnt treat me as a friend from the start.
his a mutha fooker! i hate him!
im crying tht i want to break this friendship..
but i guess i dont see a point of having a friend like him.He CURSED MY MOTHER CAR ACCIDENT.
i love my mum alot.
so does my dad.
idk,idc if his lie-ing or joking cause i dont find it funny.
i dont think its a nice thing to joke with D:
if my mother really so suay car accident im going to kill him.
i'll curse him a terrible death..JUNHAO, I HATE YOU AND YOU SUCKYOU'RE NO LONGER MY FRIEND!&like he cares? ):
10:28 AMTuesday, October 28, 2008
just wrote one post for siliang so now i write another one :/
seriously, im stuck on what to write -___-!
Damn! i cant think of what to write leh..
Well in this case, theres only one way to settle this!
Saying good bye& come bck to write at a later time :D
Happy bday uncle!
10:17 AM
HELLO *waves frantically*
im very sad ytd night.. in fact; i cried!
Tears drpping slightly, one by one..
Siliang.. This post is specially for you!
NO ONE ELSE, i swear!
i can only say them in a "peom" :/
Why must people know what they'hv done wrong only when they done it?
Why must people know what they'hv lost only when they lost themself?
We arent perfect so we have to change ourself but..
only when we found our trueself then we can gain back what we'hv lost!
Dont be afraid to face reality because you cant accept them.
You have to wake up from this nightmare then people will accept you.
You cannt hide in a shell forever ok?
i'hv alrdy accepted you as my friend so please accept me..
I dont want people to treat me so cold..
i tried my best to hlp so please.. let me hlp you if you need any D:
2:28 PMMonday, October 27, 2008

Cute right!! ALAMAKKK!
;i wan the TAZ for my bday D:

Blur but its cute at tht place :/
So sorry yea?!
2:14 PM
Hellos peoples :D
Looks like gt 2 friend want me to update! Yeapppy!~
Sorry for nt updating mahs :X nothing much happen right -___-
Holiday sometimes rly just sucks! Arghh! :O
Happy Deepavali!!!Because of this holiday then gt thingy to write. Hehe :S
Early 10+ woke up by dad ask to go eat MAC!
Zomg.. i know MAC is nice but i hate breakfast :
But who cares!!
Woke up &watch television *nothing nice lah, just a bunch of kids show*
Then go out eat MAC but in the end i ate Mcspicy :D
Yummmmmy-licious! Woots C:
Aft tht went to LeisurePark@ Kallang.
Saw this KIDS GYM thingy..
i thought it was the playground with balls O_O but it was nt!
My Jie say my sense of direction gt prob ehs! :/
Tht shopping mall looks big but it isnt! SO FXCKING SMALL ONLY!
& took TWO2 photos :X
bth at diff shops but bth gt cute 'toys' ?? hahx :/
Have a nice public holiday yea? ENJOY!!
7:18 PMThursday, October 23, 2008
5:00 PMWednesday, October 22, 2008
Heyyo guys ):
im rly having a terrible stomach ache or mayb even worst.
Mayb like gastric? i took my mum's medicine to "calm" it down.
nt so painful at the moment..
Why cant people just belive their own friends?
Whats the point for being friends when you dont even trust em?
Roy.. you're an CO addict! im sick!
Feeling horrible yet you ask me CANNOT go home and rest?
Pui lah! wad gives you the rites to ask me not to go home?
i know its best to attend CCA but im very sick yet you..
forget it..
&Why must everyone think tht im bluffing to get home and skip CCA?
I seriously dont see the point of being friends
;when you guys dont belive me.
im rly seriously very disappointed! hopeless friends..
H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S! t(-.-t)
i rly have NO mood to write anything k?
part is because of what happened & the other is because im sick.
I feel very tired and i have NO energy to do anything.
im going to sleep aft i write this..
& the last thing is i dont rly wasnt to care about the classblog any further
i dont see whats the use when they dont appreciate what i'hv done.
Pui~Pui~PUI !!
Byeee ):
(P.s Thnks Guowang&Zunjie for making me abit better)
7:28 PMTuesday, October 21, 2008
Lmaooo! Junhao arhs..
thts the point why i put 2 diff picture mahs ;like that gt excitement!
& i dont have enough time so im replying tags now :/
im going out to eat!! ARGHHHH!
welll. Mr Yeong is soooooooooo NOT handsome? :X
Rly sorry to say tht but its true. he's just a good cher but nt handsome!
sorry yea weiting :/ also sad for Mr Yeong -_-
Today went out to S'pore river for AMAZING RACE!
Pui lahs t(-.-t) so tiring and hot. nt the least bit AMAZING?!
alamak. i go liao kk?
1:54 PMMonday, October 20, 2008
Oh mann.
so sorry to say but the photos are in a MESS!
Agrhhh! so paiseh but i think you'll know which is tgt de right? :D
some are frm the dog festival..
some are frm my auntie's wedding? (nt sure iszit auntie) :/
Some is taken on saturday when we have CCA.
&last of all, tree top walk! (tht guy with a big smile is my cher)*MrYeong

1:50 PM
ehhh. had this Tree top walk thingy today.
all i can say is.. ITS TOTALLY BORING!
walk& walk but we didnt get inside because it was closed.
FXCK! waste of my time lahs t(-.-t)
i rather stay in class and wonder around looking at what people doing.
Arghhh! stupid idoits :/
lucky i got bring my mum's IPOD :D
just to make me motivated? so i wont think its far! BUAHAHAHA.
no school of course :S SHIOK ARHS!
im going to put pictures frm GES till today de.
peeps who saw some frm my class blog then so sad :/
i cant post bth pictures&words tgt *i dunno why!
so ill just say some pictures are blur so FORGIVE ME YEA!
8:17 PMSunday, October 19, 2008
Heyyy guys :D
im rly rly happy tht i HEARD i passed the moderationg thingy?
but im nt so sure yet kk? :S
if suddenly tell me fail i cry infront of class i tell you ):
but im AT LEAST 50% sure i pass bahs? :O
quite cheerful this days just trying to stay HAPPY!
of course dont want to let people see im sad/afraid ,do i?
Anywayyy! sry for nt posting for 2-3 days?
cause buzy PLUS brother bck mahs.. let him use comp.
hehe. goood rights? :x
Saturday[sp] jie used MY money to buy the jaychou CD.
of course i allowed her to but im sad my money flew away ):
but i guess its worth it? to see my jie happy&i can HAOLIANS!!
overall i'll say the CD rock like FXCK! :D
just some tht i dont like... they are the 黑裙子马? nt so sure again :/
but if you gt money& no whr else to spend? BUY THE GOD DAM CD! :O
also at that day.. *WHICH APPARENTLY IS YTD*
i scareamed at my school on PURPOSE :X
to make junhao paiseh but almost got myself into trouble :/
but what i can say is tht..
i like to scream also gt problem mehs? also nt the officer's school.
Pui !!~ i like to sing, i like to be a gay cannt mehs?
;i scream scream SCREAM!
(was at sch for cca)
aft CCA "played" basketball but actually is biked :X
fun lah. so long nvr ride on one cause the bike i have is...
abit OLD i'll say :/
tried to throw the basketball while i bike :/
but didnt get the ball into the basket ):
nice try lahs..
i took some photo & ill TRY to put up some on blog.
WHICH is if i can get the photo into my comp :/
today just watched TV the fxcking WHOLE day!
so boring & a waste of my time -_-
congrats to OKTO for coming to birth? :/
gonnalove watching AVATARRRR! awesomely nice lah.
people who want to watch its on OKTO (like DUHHHHH)
& monday to friday ;7.30!
kk? LAWLS! super hilarious pls :D
i'hv gt NOTHING else to say.
2:04 PMThursday, October 16, 2008
Hello peoples.
Im very very scared now ):
i failed my overall percentage by 1.1%
WahhSeh. Feel like crying at the moment you know anot..
Super sad then gave attitude to peoples but i smiled soon aft :
I dunno if some people is really friend me then comfort me,
or just for the sake of comforting me?
I rly like to thnk(s) people who ask me to have mre confidence C:
Lets just hope/pray tht i can go on to 3E.
&& of course if i do.. ;i promise to study rly hard kk?
even at the sake of giving up games(computer)
*pray hard&crying infront of computer*
&Siliang arhs, you came to my blog and tag at the time of 6pm?!?!
Thats so early or to be excact, the time i woke up frm LALA-land :X
then huhs. Why nvr pick up my phone ytd?! CALL ALSO NEVER.
i have nth else to say just tht.. ;PRAY HARD FOR ME PLEASE?
Byeeeeeeee D:
8:47 PMTuesday, October 14, 2008
Edit-ed my blog's profile.
Much nicer? :/
Thnks for the concern for some people?
Those who comforted me..
&nt those like junhao who 心在了或[sp]
simply speaking in english?
Damn! t(-.-t)
thnks for the song siliang :D
*LIMITED EDITION one nehh. for nw* :X
feeling much better aft crying just nw.
(P.s Will try to add the lyrics cuase nw gt error..)
1:32 PM
Heyyo Peoples!
Fxcking Hyper/Sad..
Hyper cause of no reason yea. Just soooooo hyperr!
Sorry for anyone tht i screamed to. LMAO! D:
Reviewed another 2 papers.
Both failed. i think imma going to be the last for ranking in class.
*sighhh. Im just so dumb ): i rly rly feel like crying this moment.
Even Junhao,Roy&Zhenghao PASSED. *most*
Does'nt this show im just as dumb as a idoit? ;(
I rly have no mood to carry on blogging kk.
i really really feel like crying for this fxcking day(s).
... i rly dunno wad to do ;cry or happy.
&junhao *which is dumb sometimes* is aiming to go 305? -which is possible
&Roy can go 304*i think only* also aim for 305.
yet i can only go for NA. fxcking dumbass.
Normal Academic. here i come? ..
i slept for 12hrs ytd. *till today*
Zomggg. Siliang, mayb i help you make your wish true?
Im so fxcking tired tht i slept for tht incredible 12hrs! Wadda fishhes!.
i missed my 2fav shows lahs!!! *currently*
-舞林大道 [sp] *8pm,chnl U*
-叮当深谭 [sp] *9pm,chnl 8*
My chinese also fail so dont mind lahs :X
yea luhs. the dance show the small boy boy very cute lahs!!
of course, junhao say "im cute-er" Pui Pui Pui !!~
Lmaooo. of course nt lahs.. Junhao is 可爱 de!!
Okk. i have nth else to say so..
Reviewed Papers. *100%*
-Maths ;49.58
-History ;28
-Chinese ;forget
-Literature ;43
-Science ;46
Im dumb ):
Who am i trying to fool
;i suck so much..
1:29 PMMonday, October 13, 2008
Hey guys.
Currently feel like crying kk.
i know some people said tht "男人流血,不流泪".
Simply speakingg.. i just suckkkk ):
All three papers tht reviewed all fail. ;DUMBass!
I know i just suck so much lah!
Total Dumb-ness. Purity consist of idoit genes :/
i feel like crying in class now&then.
aft i calm down, another paper make me want to cry ,FXCK lah ;{
i know imma going to die when i show my results to my parents.
Like usual.. they gonna whack me for sure this time..
im rly afraid yet i have to show it to them. *sighhh.
i just go with the flow bahhs. whack then whack;die then
two people like so called.. ARGUE-ed with me with my motto can -_-
So i decided to change it? :
currently im using..
ع١٥٧ is always thr ;no matter how you fool yourself-Yeaaap. totally agree with it manxzxzxz!!
Aiyyaaa. im bored and imma going to indulge myself with games.
need to calm down with GAMES!!
Reviewed Papers. *100%*
-Maths ;49.58
-History ;28
-Chinese ;forget!
8:01 PMSunday, October 12, 2008
Hey guys!
Late at night now.. its like 8;1o.
Father&Sister went out to bring my brother to NS.
Missed him.. ;PLAYING DOTA! :x
Ahahaha, he play dota like owning de loh! (recently nt cause gt NS)
Weiting arh weiting ;careful with tibits. THEY BITE! :X *jkjk*
I must have confidence with myself kk? ;D
I dont suck, I dont suck, I dont suck, I dont suck,
I DONT SUCK!Well.. recently been thinking tht how many friends do I have! :/
lets count it out!! (According to favourited)
Sorry if you're last in ranking but you're in it! :x
1.Weiting!! *Best friend everr* :D
2.Siliang! *one of my best luhs!*
3.Zhigao! *treat me so gd*
4.Vernasa&Heidi. *The sisters*
5.Szehui *i think she quite can luh hor?* o.o
6.Benjamin? *Lmao. i dunno lehhhs*
7.Siyuan&Gavin *Primary friends* Nvr be forgotten.
9.Roy&Zhenghao *You guys changed in a GOOD WAY!*10.Guowang? *hehe* :X-So i'hv gt 9 rankings for 12peoples in my friend/bestfriend list :D
Siliang arhs.. i know you gonna say you suck in my tagboard.
So you can just forget about thinking of tht. im nt going to care.
You think you suck then okay bahs.. Have confidence kk? :D
But gt any prob just come talk to me okay anot!
;although sometimes i come to you&weiting for hlp. LMAO :S
I'hv changed my MSN to ehhs.. ;smth like a job kk? :X
Any prob can add
ah_boi94@hotmail.com &i can confront you. (needed)
Sometimes i online talking just speak to me!
;i'll be your shoulder/ear.
need to cry,need to talk- COME TO ME *okayy anot!* :D
&&ihv a new E-mail for emergencies so just add luhhs :P
Add this kk? >>
xiia0deathx@hotmail.com <<
ihv nth else to say except tht TMR IS RESULTS.
imma going to freak out &i need a shoulder/ear soon ):
Prepare one for me kk? ;{
12:15 PMSaturday, October 11, 2008
Hey guys!!.
A brand new day, A brand new start!
Woke up and started to play Dota. LAWLS :x
Thats my way of relax kk.. LOL.
Bo bian right ;Nothing to do at home :/
Woooots woots C: Ytd aft art exam suddenly the class like clapping hands.
Lmao sioll. then guo wang like blur blur then say smth like this..
Guowang- "Oh ya hor! Exam finish liao! :D"
Duncan- "you now then realise arh o.o you nvr see them clapping o.o"
Guowang- " *Claps*
Stupid sioll. (the term here is stupid which is funny)
Its still early and i have no plans to go out yea :/
Bored till DEATH with mum at home cause cannt play games. Hahax :
Bad start for me today.. (think of it want to cry liao)
Maple REAL server's account tio hack by my TRUSTED erzi.
Fxckkk Him lahs ): i trusted him SO FXCKING MUCH.
although i dont have 100% evidence but i know its him.
3 people i gave my acc to..
-Sharon nuer.
-Javis erzi.
why im so sure abt him? ;sharon&Javis is on O'lvls and they cant play!
im so fxcking sure is him lah )':
peeps will say "its JUST a game" but my items tht i hard-earn ):
Somemore i played tht character for 1YEAR. Heart pain pain..
Shyyt him. Curse him die arhhs..
(no wonder his acc so much money he show me last time)
Sighhhhhhh! Damn!
Forget abt him! make me angry nia. GRRRRRRRRR!
i been thinking of motto for myself and i thought of one :/
its displayed on MSN currently!
My motto is.. ;ع١٥٧ is more than just responsibility, its a burden.
It just make people go crazy! From friends to strangers.
i got 3 example lohh.
-Heidi&Roy (broken up)
-Vernasa&ZhengHao (attached -broken3times)
-SzeHui&Junhao (attach yet cold cold)
see lahs. All of them is from friend become like cold&COLDER!
So dont go for relattionships when you're nt ready. Understand? :D
Im a wise boy so listen to my wise boy's words. LOLLL! *rubbish!!!*
Well. i think i write a bunch of stupid rubbish but my motto is TRUE.
I shall use it as my life-time motto. LMAO :S
Too wordy post liao.. you cannt tahan to read on right :X
So now arhs ;MORE WORDS!!! *woooooots! :P*
Is your reation like.. 'Fxck!' :O
If yes.. Im just pulling your leg lahs!
(P.s: Pulling your leg means JOKING)
Well.. Byeeeee! (have a nice day!)
Duncan SUCKS ):
6:21 PMWednesday, October 8, 2008
Duncan just suck so much right?
I guess what people say is true..
NOTHING can buy friendshippp-
That ship hates you, YOU'RE HATED FOR LIFE!
i guess he dont even friend me?
He just friend me behalf of her right?im dumb and uglyyy.
Who will friend/like me ...
;i just sucks ok? Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Exams gonna be over very soon!
Aft friday, Its FREEEDOM for like 2days? -________-
At least thr is FREEEDOM ._."
Byeeeee ;(
7:17 PMSunday, October 5, 2008
Currently TRYING to study history but cannt lah!
I just lost interest in History cause i hate Mr Foo.
Weiting arh. No offence to tht incident ehs :/
-Studied for Maths in the aftnoon.
Aft maths then no interest in studying for History.
Stupid language. I think imma going to fail alot of subs.
Nvr study lah stupid idoit -______________-!
Lost interest in everything!!! hate myself lah.. Just hate myself! t(-.-t)
Do i suck alot?!? Tell me truthfully pleaseeee!
My brother&sister just seem to hate my to the maximum/fullest.
Guess what my brother called me??
-a geek to the computer.-a guy who always stay at home.
He says that he is a gamer but imma GEEK.
So what he's handsome and strong?
im pathetic buthe need to say out to me? ... Just sck!
&Guess what my sister called me??
-a pathetic sissy/Gay.-a fag!I know im nt a guy! imma gayyyy. im so stupid..
i always hlp her & bear with her always!
But what do i get bck in return?
Im nt strong and handsome.. scared of everything? (to her)
So im a pathetic sissy? FXCK YOUR PUSSY LAH STUPID BYTCH
i dont want this 2 siblings!
when they want me to hlp them.
They ask me nicely like nth happened..
What they think i am. ;i always been too kind to them!
Mayb i shld nt be so soft-hearted frm now on!
i shall nt tolerate with all this stupid actions and words!
i cannt tahan lahs.
i dont want to write anything le.
Bye! FXCK!
5:38 PMFriday, October 3, 2008
Hello peoples.
currently in a good mood TO bad mood.
Fxck man! ):
stupid big mouth jiejie. (although she is kind sometimes)
She saw me sleeping then she ask my mum: "弟弟每天你在家都睡觉啊?"
Then she like purposely lahs. Bytch siolll ): I HATE HER SO MUCH TODAY!
Then my mum says she knows tt when she go out wrk & ill strt to play games.
I rly want to prove her wrong yet
i just making a dumb request like ;REACHING OUT FOR A STAR.
Games/Computer is my buddy. More like a freedom world :D
Nobody knows you. They dont make you sad/angry etc etc.
Its just your best relaxing world.. NO comp for me is like NO LIFE.
i rly rly rly love my mum!
She like the best mum you ever want!
She is super duper fuper kind! *at most of times*
She und me i guess? :X ;i just love her like 80%!
i wish i can give her a good life aft she retire.
but i think its the other way round. she uses her money to hlp me.
Sighhhhhhh!~ im so pathetically useless. ;废物!!! NO USE!
im sorry mum&dad ):
Lets move on..
Now im gonna scold Zhenghao & you nt happy just siam.
ZhengHao. when you two are tgt;i'd say you guys are fated. & yet now when you two are "..." ;i'd say YOU sucks. What do you think Vernasa is?? ;a "girlfriend toy" ?What good things you done to her? ;Nothing!What you do when she is sad?? ;Nothing!She have done so much for you &yet you dont even appreciate?
What have you done for her? NOTHING.
Yesterday she call &msg you.. you ignore all tht?
You continue to do your stunt &she confronted you but..
Fuck your mother lah ccb.
To me now, you're a worthless junk.
Not worth to be vernasa's BF ;not even friends!
& the msg you wrote to her.. *i wont be writing down!*
What the fxk you just wrote man!
Go die man! im rly dissapointed in you Zhenghao..
i thought you guys will stay forever & yet...
4:36 PMThursday, October 2, 2008
Hellos peoples!
Out with Vernasa,Heidi& Xiaopang(YongJun) to eat! ;D
but come hiome hen realise mum gt "ta bao" for me! so sweet right :X
thnks alot to her but ihv eaten so i guess ill eat it later! :
Erm.. Weiting! i'hv editted the thing so you read again? haha thnks man!
you too good luck to your exams :D
ehs. aft go out eat then go play trueORdare.
Sad-ly xiaopang go home aft we eaten. SIAN! ):
so when we strted trueORdare, only 3peeps.
but sooner ltr.. 6! :D (included Junhao,Yuting&Kelvin)
but aft tt no more things to ask/dare so they played BLINDMICE!
but i didnt play lor. BORED-ddd :X
aft tt Heidi pei me go buy water cause i asked her to! THANKS HEIDI!!.
aft tt waiting for bux38 then now at home lohh!
yea yea. Blah Blahhhh!!